Mission Statement
The Kent Island Heritage Society was founded in 1975 for the purpose of discovering, identifying, restoring and preserving the heritage of Kent Island in Maryland. It works diligently to facilitate the processes by which both its youth and mature history enthusiasts can acquire an appreciation of Kent Island's place in the history of Maryland and of our nation.
Board Of Directors
President - John E. (Jack) Broderick
Vice-President - Robert C. (Bob) Lowe
Recording Secretary - John Conley
Corresponding Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Ericka Kriegisch
Wheeler Baker
Donna Brown
Josh Brown
Linda S. Collier
Louis (Lou) Crouch
Carole P. Frederick
Kristin B. Green
Mike Rosendale
Joan Stoer
Harrison VanWaes
Hanna Wall
Managing Editor - John Conley
Editor Emeritus - Carole Frederick
Outreach Coordinator
John Conley - 703-216-0449
Docent Coordinator
Hanna Wall - [email protected]
Website and Social Media
Robert (Bob) Lowe [email protected]
Contact Us
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