2024 Calendar of Events

First Saturdays (12pm to 4pm)

Our sites will be open on the first Saturday of the month from April through November.   Please visit our homepage for any updates.

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Kent Island Day 2025

We are looking forward to hosting our Kent Island Heritage Society 50th Anniversary celebration with Kent Island Day 2025.  Please check the Home Page as well as this page for future announcements and opportunities.
Want to see past Kent Island Days?  Click on this link.

Fall Picnic 2024

Our always popular Old Fashioned Annual Picnic for members and their guests is scheduled this year for Sunday September 22.  Place it on your calendar now!
Learn More

                                                       2024 Calendar of Events

BOD meeting

BOD meeting

March 19*
General Meeting and Invited Presentation: The Bay Bridge – Our Heritage!
Our Future? :  7pm at Historic Christ Church, Stevensville.

BOD Meeting




*General Meetings are open to all KI Heritage Society members, guests, students and interested individuals.



April 1

Deadline for Scholarship Applications

BOD Meeting

May 22 Scholarship Award Ceremony

May 18
Kent Island Day

June 25*
What do Artifacts Tell Us? The Marks Collection from Love Point on Kent Island. Dr. Darrin Lowery
7pm at the Historic Christ Church 121 E. Main St, Stevensville MD 2166


BOD Meeting

BOD Meeting

BOD Meeting

September 22
Fall Picnic @ Kirwan House, Chester Cancelled
1:00 - 5:00PM 

Historic Stevensville Metric Half Marathon





BOD Meeting

December 8

Christmas Brunch for Members and Guests

Election of Officers